Professor Peter C. Moskos
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Law, Police Science, and Criminal Justice Administration

Broken Windows Comp Review CRJ 793
Lecture powerpoint (from March 15, 2016. What I present in class will probably be updated.)  
1) Thacher (2014) -- Order Maintenance Policing (13 pages) A thorough overview of order-maintenance policing from the Oxford Handbook of Police and Policing.
2) Jane Jacobs (1961) -- Chapter 2, "The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety." From The Death and Life of Great American Cities. (10 pages) George Kelling is a big fan of Jane Jacobs, whose theories on urban life were the foundation for Broken Windows. If you find this chapter at all interesting, you should read all of Jacobs's book book. It's a classic. While reading this, thing about the things citizens and police can do to create an urban environment that is more or less conducive to crime.
3) Kelling and Wilson (1982) -- Broken Windows (6 pages) This is the main reading.
4) Peters (2014) -- The racist, classist origins of Broken Windows policing (2 pages) Argues Broken Windows is racist and clissist
5) Kelling (2015) -- Don’t Blame My ‘Broken Windows’ Theory For Poor Policing

Says Broken Windows has been misinterpreted by ideological opponents.
online link.

6) Braga et al (2015) -- Can Policing Disorder Reduce Crime? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (22 pages) The short answer: Yes. This is a journal article. So read the first couple pages, skim the vast middle, and then read the discussion and conclusions at the end.
Optional Readings:  
Gladwell (1996) -- Tipping Point. (6 pages) A non-academic look at the start of the crime drop from the New Yorker. Good stuff.
Kelling 1999 -- "Broken Windows" and Police Discretion. (23 pages) Fills in specific details, 17 years after the original article.
Bratton (1998) -- Turnaround (excerpt). (28 pages) A good look at what happened in New York City from the perspective of the police commissioner. And it's easy reading.
Karmen (2000) -- New York Murder Mystery: The True Story Behind the Crime Crash of the 1990s. An excellent book about the crime drop in New York City.
Zimring (2011) -- The City that Became Safe: New York's Lessons for Urban Crime and Its Control (Oxford University Press) Another very good book about the crime drop in New York City.
Harcourt and Ludwig (2006) -- New evidence from NYC. Harcourt leads the charge against Broken Windows.
Sousa 2015 What Passes for Scholarship These Days: A response to Broken Windows critic Bernard Harcourt Oh no, he didn't! Sousa's brurtal responds to Broken Windows critics, Harcourt in particular.